Tuesday, October 20, 2020

අත ළඟ ඇති ඉටි පහනත්
දිස්නේ විදුලිය පහනත්
තේජස් දෙන හිරු කිරණත්
නොම දෙයි ඔබ වන් සිහිලක්
හිතම එළිය වන සිහිලක්


සේයාරුව - pinterest වෙබ් අඩවියෙන්

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Valkyries by Paulo Coelho


"I used to imagine the great masters as people who were far removed from the world"

"The rivers return to the mountains, but carry with them the wisdom of the sea"

" "We'll do it," she said. 

"Thanks for the 'we'," he answered with a smile. "

"Some things are so important that you have to learn about them on your own"

"Human beings may forget their origin, but nature, never."

"Don't fight your thoughts. They are stronger than you are. If you want to rid yourself of them, accept them. Think about what they want you to think about until they grow tired"

"Don't leave me in the middle of the road"

".. People are always more respectful of those who speaks of things no one understands"

".. I have no idea what awaits me, but I want to get back. I need love, affection. I need someone who can protect me here on earth..."

"I was always forgiven by my friends, but never learned how to forgive them in return"